Monday, April 30, 2007

Experiencing a Life Shift

Part of being in the ministry includes:

“The act of making friends,

building relationships,

saying goodbye,

and making new friends.”

-Jeff Roper

How true these words are! Last night was one of the hardest nights that I have experienced in the past year and a half regarding youth ministry. I’ve taken a position at a church as a full time youth pastor. I’m so excited.

Problem is saying hello to one church means saying goodbye to another. And though the new church has a larger facility and an already larger youth group, it hurts to leave the smaller, younger youth group. I have grown close to the youth and the congregation. I have seen such growth in this young group. I know that they will do well, and that they will do a great work for God in their community without me. I know that they have a heart to follow God, not me. Because of their love for God, they will impact many.

I know that it must have hurt Christ to leave his disciples. I imagine that He grew close to more than just the twelve. Paul talks about Timothy, Silas, and Luke; but he also mentions others that are friends he only gets to visit when he goes to certain cities.

In the same way, I feel like I have made friends, both in the youth group and among the adults at the church, but I also have the assurance that leaving one place and going to another is what God wants for me to do. It has been one of the hardest transitions to make. I have even found myself asking early on if this would be the right move. Through much prayer, and numerous conversations with other mentors of The Faith, I have come to the conclusion that this move is the right thing. More so, through the conviction of the Holy Spirit I feel like it would be wrong for me to decline the current opportunity at this other church.

I know that God is not done with either one of the churches, nor is He done with me. I pray, that not only I but both of the churches, will be obedient to what the Spirit whispers in the years to come. May we all be the light used to show the world the love of Christ Jesus.

In His Grip



Heidi said...

Hey Hank,

Good luck with the new job and everything. It is very difficult to leave friends at one place and make new ones elsewhere, but think about it this way, one of these kids you have worked with or will work with may be in the exact same situation and look to you for advice. You are gaining experience in everything that you do and that's what makes you wiser, and smarter and more of a role modle to people younger than you and even some that are older. As I said before, good luck with it all and I know you will enjoy it.

In Him,


hank-ronna said...

Dear Hank,

Your dad and I pray for you every morning and part of that prayer is that God would make things clear for you. This is not going to be easy leaving a youth group that you have grown to love over the past year or so, but the Lord has a plan for you and right now he needs you somewhere else.
Your home church is praying for you too.
I am bless to have you as my son.

hank-ronna said...


Your dad and I pray for you every morning. Part of that prayer is "Lord make it clear for him."
We know that it is going to be hard for you to leave your present church, but I do believe that you are doing what God has called you to do.
We will continue to pray for you and all that goes on in your life.
Always look to Him and you will be okay.
I am blessed to have you for my son. I love you.
